Saturday 1 March 2014

StarKin Judgement Day and an OOTD

I'm fortunate enough (Thanks to Polish Addicts New Zealand) to be friends with the darling Ami of StarKin, and together we came up with this beauty. It's part of a duo we worked together one but you have to wait to see that one. Without further ado, I present to you Judgement Day;

And because, well, who doesn't love a close-up bottle shot?

Now onto the swatches, please bear in mind I was battling the sun and clouds when I took these.

As always with Ami's polishes, it applied like a dream with three thin coats.

This polish is exactly what I had in mind, I'd been daydreaming of a grey holo for quite some time. Being a custom it isn't available through her store but I'm sure if you asked her nicely she'd make one up for you.

I was inspired by my dear friend Nicola to do an outfit of the day, I highly recommend you check out her blog, she's an absolute darling.

That's my baby girl Alkatraz you can see in the background there, props to my Momma for being my photographer!

Just a hint, keep an eye on Starkin, she has new goodies being released soon!

All my love,
Zoe xo.


  1. Wow, I love love LOVE that polish! Also squeeeeeeeeeee thanks for the shout out ^_^

  2. Gorgeous girl! And I love Judgement Day :)
